Mizanur Rahman Sarker

Mizanur Rahman Sarker

Chief Operating Officer
Confidence Power Bogra Limited,
Confidence Power Bogura Unit-2 Ltd,
Zodiac Power Chittagong Ltd
Supply Chain Management


Engr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Sarker is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from RUET, 85 series passed in 1992. He has possessed over 28 years professional experience. During his long professional journey, he has served private power sector over 20 years with the responsibility of power plant project EPC and operation & maintenance. He has also served Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation, a Government owned organization for over 8 years immediate after passing graduation.  

Prior to his joining at Confidence Power Holdings Ltd.in 2019, Mr. Mizan capitalized the opportunities to work some other power generation companies in the process of career progression and held some responsible positions like Project Director, Anlima Energy Ltd, General Manager-projects, Kaltimex Energy Bangladesh Ltd and DGM & Head of Project Management, Energypac Power Generation Ltd. 

He has achieved Project Management Professional (PMP), a global certification from PMI, USA in 2015. He participated in different training courses on “Corporate Etiquette & Professionalism”, “Emotional Intelligence for World Class Leaders”, “Leadership Skills Development Program”, “Productivity Improvement Techniques at Enterprise Level”, “Structure, Processing & Properties of Materials”, “Workplace health & Safety, Fire prevention, Firefighting and First Aid” etc. Besides, he has also participated in many other workshops. 



Graduated from RUET in Mechanical Engineering


PMP, a global certification from PMI, USA

Major Achievements

  • Successfully completed EPC of 108 MW ECPV IPP Power plant in 2013 with the responsibility of Head of Project Management.
  • Successfully completed EPC of 100 MW Gopalganj Peaking Power plant in 2011 with the responsibility of Project Manager.
  • Successfully completed EPC of 55MW Precision Energy Rental Power plant in 2010 with responsibility of Project Manager.
  • Successfully led O&M of 16 MW Bergen reciprocating Engine based 16MW Power Plant at Kanchpur, Rupganj in 2005~2009 with the role of Plant Manager.
  • Successfully completed EPC of 10 MW & some different capacity of captive Power plants in 2003 & 2004 with the responsibility of Project Engineer.